
Founded in 1998 makes Kottke.org one of the oldest blogs still active on the web. Topics covered include art, technology, science, music, sports, and more! kottke.org

Andy Bell, is an experienced designer and front-end developer, based in the UK, specialising in creative web design and design systems. piccalil.li

Rika Tillsammans är en blog av Jan och Caroline Bolmeson. Här samlar de tips, verktyg och artiklar om privateknomi. Det är ett av Sveriges största forum om privatekonomi. rikatillsammans.se

Josh W Comeau's website consist of friendly tutorials for developers. Focusing on React, CSS, Animation, and more! joshwcomeau.com

This is the personal webiste of Gwern Branwen. Topics covered are both wide and deep, from psychology to statistics, to technology and anime. gwern.net

Heydon Pickering is an author, and web-designer. He writes about web-design, language and music. heydonworks.com

Will Boyd has a blog which is focused on web development. codersblock.com

Ahmad Shadeed writes extensivly about CSS, often with visual explanations. ishadeed.com

Nikita Prokopov writes about programming and UI design. tonsky.me

Aegir Hallmundur is a software designer. Each blogpost has a unique HTML design and layout. aegir.org

adrianroselli.com is an expert in accessibility. He's been developing accessible, effective user interfaces for the Web since 1993.

A blog about CSS, front-end development, the web, and beyond. Written by Michelle Barker. css-irl.info

adactio.com is the online home of Jeremy Keith, a web developer and author living and working in Brighton, England.

Matthew Ström speaks and writes about design, front-end code, leadership, and (occasionally) math. matthewstrom.com

Link Blogs

The Cascade is a blog by Robin Rendle, and it's about the past, present, and future of CSS. csscade.com

A blog about the web and its technologies. Written by Lea Verou. lea.verou.me

The online home and blog of Richard Rutter. Here he writes about web typography, human-centred design, Brighton, music and occasionally cycling. clagnut.com

A green field


standardebooks.org is a collection of high quality, carefully formatted, accessible, open source, and free public domain ebooks.

Worlds Without End is all about sci-fi and fantasy!

litteraturbanken.se hittar du romaner, noveller, diktsamlingar och antologier på svenska.

shepherd.com is your shepherd in the bookish world. Passionate experts recommend the best books to read on every topic imaginable.

On fivebooks.com they ask experts to recommend the five best books in their subject and explain their selection in an interview.

The ISFDB is a community effort to catalog works of science fiction, fantasy, and horror. isfdb.org

Since 1982 the Bulwer Lytton Fiction Contest has challenged participants to write an atrocious opening sentence to the worst novel never written. bulwer-lytton.com

ubiquitousbooks.com is a blog dedicated to reviews of fine books.

Foreground an elk, background deer


based.cooking was founded to provide a simple online cookbook without ads and obese web design.

themealdb.com is an open, crowd-sourced database of recipes from around the world.

Ibland vet man inte vad man ska laga till middag, kanske är då denna hemsida till hjälp: vadfanskajaglagatillmiddag.nu

Portionen Under Tian är en plattform med fokus på mat som är klimatsmart, bra för kroppen och plånboken! undertian.com


#Free Media

Free public domain sound
Free public domain media

Founded in 2006, openculture.com brings together high-quality cultural & educational media for the worldwide lifelong learning community.

WikiFlix is a repository of old movies that have fallen in to the public domain.

The Magazine Rack is a collection of digitized magazines and monthly publications.

oldbookillustrations.com offers a wide range of public domain, royalty-free, restored images scanned from old books.

Openverse is a tool that allows openly licensed and public domain works to be discovered and used by everyone. openverse.org

Public Work is a search engine for public domain content. Explore 100,000+ copyright-free images from The MET, New York Public Library, and other sources. public.work

A flying albatross


The homebrewserver.club is a monthly gathering for those who (wish to) host their own online services from home, rather than using commercial and privacy unfriendly alternatives.

landchad.net is a site dedicated to turning internet peasants into Internet Landlords by showing them how to setup websites, email servers, chat servers and everything in between.

The web giants centralize our digital lives in exchange for their services. The Free Software community offers alternative ethical services. degooglisons-internet.org

A map of Europe



The IndieWeb is a people-focused alternative to the “corporate web”. It is a community of independent and personal websites. indieweb.org

Wouldn't you want a digital medium with the expressive ease of paper? mmm.page is an internet canvas, create you own drag & drop websites.

humanstxt.org is an initiative for knowing the people behind a website. It's a TXT file that contains information about the different people who have contributed to building the website.

Red, green and yellow chili pepers


Keep up with relevant trends, micro-trends and edge cases without spending a shit-ton of time distilling trivia. slowernews.com

År 2018 så firade Under Strecket hundra år. SvD valde ut 350 särskilt intressanta texter - och gjorde dem fritt tillgängliga, för att fira tillfället. svd.se

Explore Cineasterna, the streaming platform provided by your nearby public library. Access a diverse collection of digital movies using your library card. cineasterna.com

Explore live radio around the globe. radio.garden

readsomethingwonderful.com is meant to be a portal to timeless internet writing.

Discover a world of immersive and customizable soundscapes that can enhance focus, relaxation, and sleep. mynoise.net

atlasobscura.com is a global community of explorers, who have together created a comprehensive database of the world’s most wondrous places and foods.

The Onion’s Front Page Archive Experience decades of greatness, virtue, and moral rectitude from America’s Finest News Source.

Watch youtube videos as if it was linear tv! ytch.xyz


#Online Games

Type to shoot down the enemy fleet. It's is a great game for testing out a new keyboard! zty.pe

Please choose your password carefully. neal.fun/password-game

Capture all pieces to win. You transform into any piece you capture. echochess.com

Play over 30 different games by neal directly in your browser. neal.fun

Yellow bananas


Explore movies frame by frame in random order from critically acclaimed films to gain a new perspective on the art of cinematography. everysingleframe.com

Every spring, fish swim right through Utrecht, looking for a place to spawn and reproduce. And apperently they need your help to procreate! The fish doorbell

vecka.nu ger dig aktuellt veckonummer, utan några konstigheter!

No horse has five legs. Any horse has four legs more than no horse does. Therefore, a horse has nine legs. endless.horse

This websites is sometimesredsometimesblue.com

Welcome to zombo.com! This is zombo.com! Welcome! You can do anything at zombo.com! The only limit is yourself. zombo.com

Please hold still while we locate your pointer... pointerpointer.com

clickclickclick.click is a browser-based game on online profiling.

Ever wanted to slap someone in the face with an eel? Well, today is your lucky day. eelslap.com

cameronsworld.net is a web-collage of text and images excavated from the buried neighbourhoods of GeoCities.

Check out The Cursed Computer Iceberg Meme and discover the peculiarities and weirdness of computers. suricrasia.online/iceberg

how-i-experience-web-today.com is a showcase of how the mayority of people experience the web today.

elgoog.im is a playful website that showcases various Google Easter eggs, many of which has been discontinued by Google.

A list of all the English words that can be a valid hexcode color. hexwords.app

You can only visit this site once! onlyvisitonce.com

Ripe and unripe blackberries

#Personal Websites

Elliott Cost is a computer artist, designer, and programmer. He tends to File Life, Special Fish, Gossip's Web and various other poetic web domains. elliott.computer

Mikael Wiehe är en svensk artist och proggare, känd bland annat från Hoola Bandoola. Detta är hans personliga hemsida. mikaelwiehe.se

Web designers

The website of Robin Rendle, a designer and writer from the UK. robinrendle.com

Neocities is the predecessor of the web hosting service GeoCities. Browse all the websites hosted on neocities

A leopard lecewing butterfly


The r/priacy subreddit is a great resource for all piracy. Take a look at their wiki: r/piracy wiki

The largest truly open library in human history. annas-archive.org

In the mood for a movie? Take a look at the streaming service movie-web.app. Movie-web does not host any files, it merely links to 3rd party services.

A great list of awsome piracy links. awesome-piracy

FMHY (freemediaheckyeah) is the largest collection of free stuff on the internet! Browse the collection here: fmhy.net

A Jolly Roger Flag


thecreativeindependent.com is a resource of emotional and practical guidance for creative people. Find interviews, wisdom, and guides that illuminate the trials and tribulations of living a creative life.

Low-tech Magazine underscores the potential of past and often forgotten technologies and how they can inform sustainable energy practices. lowtechmagazine.com

thehtml.review is an annual journal of literature made to exist on the web. It is edited by Maxwell Neely-Cohen and Shelby Wilson.

psyche.co is a digital magazine from Aeon Media that illuminates the human condition through psychology, philosophy and the arts.

An apple orchard

#Search Engines

Marginalia is what Google used to be in the early 2000s. It's run on PC hardware and domestic broadband from a living room somewhere in Sweden. marginalia.nu

wiby.me is a search engine for the classic web. The Wiby search engine is building a web of pages as it was in the earlier days of the internet.

Searx is a free and open-source metasearch engine.

Sök i tre ordböcker (SAOL, SO, SAOB) på en och samma gång på: svenska.se

A Shelf


Generates a valid Swedish "Personnummer", a unique number assigned to every person born in Sweden. Personnummer generator

This validator checks the markup validity of Web documents in HTML, XHTML, SMIL, MathML, etc. validator.w3.org.

caniuse.com provides up-to-date browser support tables for support of front-end web technologies on desktop and mobile web browsers.

Dither it! is a web application for processing images using dithering. Dithering is a process for reducing the number of colors used in an image. ditherit.com

websitecarbon.com calculates the carbon emissions of a website.

WAVE is a suite of evaluation tools that helps authors make their web content more accessible to individuals with disabilities. wave.webaim.org

pagespeed.web.dev reports on the user experience of a page on both mobile and desktop devices, and provides suggestions on how that page may be improved.

This free online service performs a deep analysis of the configuration of any SSL web server on the public Internet. ssllabs.com

To test the security headers on your website. securityheaders.com

The clip-path property allows you to make complex shapes in CSS by clipping an element to a basic shape. Clippy is a tool to generate CSS clip-paths!

letterboxd.tools is a suite of tools to make your experience on the platform even better. Find similar users, get a movie recommended or find out if your tastes match up to that special someone's?

The easiest way to preview and generate Open Graph Meta tags is by visiting: www.opengraph.xyz

Hammer and anvil


fonts.google.com/knowledge is a library of original guides to the world of typography, which the Google Fonts team is producing in collaboration with typographic experts.

A typography terms cheat sheet! Learn key definitions related to typography. nngroup.com

google-webfonts-helper is a hassle-free way to self-host Google Fonts. Get eot, ttf, svg, woff and woff2 files + CSS snippets!

practicaltypography.com is an online book about typography, written by Matthew Butterick.

System font stacks organized by typeface classification for every modern OS. modernfontstacks.com

A Rooster

#Web Development

No Web Without Women is an an educational website featuring a collection of innovations by women in the fields of computer science and technology. nowebwithoutwomen.com

Through a series of simple, composable layouts, Every Layout will teach you how to better harness the built-in algorithms that power browsers and CSS. every-layout.dev

Fluid responsive design for your websites. utopia.fyi

A series examining modern CSS solutions to old problems. Created by Stephanie Eckles, a seasoned frontend developer, who has been solving for 15+ years. moderncss.dev

Minimal snippets for modern CSS layouts and components by Stephanie Eckles. smolcss.dev

A collection of quick copy HTML snippets for a variety of common scenarios by Stephanie Eckles. htmlrecipes.dev

Semantic HTML markup for common UI patterns, whether Angular, React, Vue, or any other template. By Anthony Alicea. anthonyalicea.com

briefs.video are brief videos about the web, its technologies, and how to make the most of them.

specifishity.com explains the CSS specificity algorithm with fish!

The MDN Curriculum provides a structured guide to the essential skills for being a successful front-end developer. MDN Curriculum

Inspired by CSS Zen Garden Stephanie Eckles has created Style stage, a modern CSS showcase styled by community contributions.

The company Exoticsilicon's website has a very uniqe style; And now you can learn from the very best from their exoticsilicon design studio

Guidelines for web design that adhere to the tenets and ethos of Brutalism, written by David Bryant Copeland. Brutalist Web Design

Donnie D'Amato has written about how designers should rely less on strict columns in their designs. gridless.design

event.preventDefault(); Another on designing websites, is an article about web-design by Maximilian Kiepe. event.preventdefault.net

Read the The Shape of Design, a book about storytelling, co-dependency, and craft. Written by Frank Chimero.

A Practical Guide to Designing for the Web aims to teach you techniques for designing your website using the rinciples of graphic design. Written by Mark Boulton. designingfortheweb.co.uk

If you are new to design or never stydied anything design-related, learning some basic design rules can be quite helpful! designtrampoline.org

Resilient web design by Jeremy Keith, is a history book about web design.

Explore web.dev growing collection of courses on key web design and development subjects. An industry expert has written each course, helped by members of the Chrome team.

The grumpy website reports bad UI and UX design, and the result is often very funny.

p5js.org is a friendly tool for learning to code and make art. It is a free and open-source JavaScript library.

Two sailboats on a lake

#Web Directories

The Ooh Directory is a blog directory that was started in 2022 by Phil Gyford. It has a collection of over 2000 blogs on every topic. ooh.directory

Ye Olde Blogroll is a a humanly curated list of fine personal and independent blogs that are updated regularly. The site promises no algorithms ever. blogroll.org

Personalsit.es was built to share and revel each others personal sites. It's open-source, originally built by Andy Bell, and currently maintained by Henry Desroches. personalsit.es

Kagi Small Web helps promoting blogs and websites made by induviduals. Click through and stumble upon your next favourite website. kagi.com/smallweb.

Discover new music, art, literature, and products with GNOD, an AI-powered discovery tool. It offers personalized recommendations and a diverse range of options for exploration. gnod.com

An online film catalogue by film lovers. Started by Emma Stevenson and Beth Wilkinson in April 2020. verygoodfilms.co

diagram.website is a (small) map of the internet. A project by Kristoffer Tjalve and Elliott Cost.

Explore the wonderful web with this tool from marginalia: explore.marginalia.nu/view

gossipsweb.net is the directory of handmade webpages.

webdesignmuseum.org exhibits thousands of screens and videos of old websites, mobile apps and software from 1990s to mid-00s

For those seeking to explore the peculiar corners of the internet, check out theuselessweb.com

Hao! is a collection of articles related to user interface design, user experience design, front-end development, and more. Curated by Mike Mai. links.mikemai.net

The 1MB Club is a growing collection of performance-focused web pages weighing less than 1 megabyte. Still feel like 1MB is to much? Go check out the 250kb Club and the 512kb Club

designmanifestos.org collects manifestos written by designers. The list is currated by Tom Nelson.

moviewise.wordpress.com is a searchable database of one sentence movie summaries.

Want to see one million website screenshots? onemillionscreenshots.com

Chocolate covered candy